Wednesday – June 17, 2015: Reflections on teaching
Everyone thought programming was hard. It didn’t matter if someone was in the top of the class or the bottom, everyone said it was hard. Some people liked it anyways and others didn’t. The boys were better than the girls at saying what they were good at. Even the boys who weren’t good at programming […]
Monday – June 15, 2015: A word about trash…
There is trash everywhere here. It’s totally gross. It’s by the side of the road, in fields, in streams, public squares, people’s yards, literally everywhere. The worst is the neighborhood garbage areas that occur frequently where people stack trash and then burn it. The smell is awful, and the thought of all the carcinogens that […]
Wednesday – June 10, 2015: Profile of Liger Learning Center – Part 2/2
The Kids: I can’t say enough about how cool these kids are. They have been students at Liger for nearly 3 years now, so communicating with them in English is straightforward as long as I avoid advanced vocabulary. In many ways, the kids form a diverse group – they are from many different provinces, substantially […]
Sunday – June 7, 2015: Profile of Liger Learning Center – Part 1/2
It’s hard to describe the number of awesome things that happen at Liger on a daily basis. Hopefully, soon I will be able to share a new video from the kids that provides a snapshot of some of the projects happening at Liger, but until then I will do my best to describe what goes […]
Sunday – May 31, 2015
Last weekend, we took our final trip out of Phnom Penh to Siem Reap. Wow! Siem Reap is unfortunately touristy, but is so because the temples are legitimately amazing! We spent three days there, and visited the temples on Friday and Sunday. Angkor Wat is the largest temple, and covers more than a square kilometer! […]
Tuesday – May 26, 2015:Things you may or may not know about Cambodia but might find interesting
There isn’t breakfast food. People eat breakfast, but it’s just normal food. In the morning. Okay, I’m told this isn’t completely true, but you still eat rice with meat and veggies, so I really can’t tell the difference. It’s not “summer” here (thank goodness) because there are only two seasons. We’re just on the very […]
Monday – May 18, 2015: Second week at Liger recap
*Disclaimer* This is not the post I promised on Liger, which will be forthcoming. Last week brought a lot of opportunity for sight-seeing and adventure, now that we have a better grasp on how to get around. A highlight of my week was accompanying two of the Liger teachers to the local Frisbee league. I […]
Tuesday – May 12, 2015: First week recap
Our first weekend in Cambodia was action packed! Once a year, Liger holds a mock auction where the kids can use merit points earned over the year to bid on special excursions or items. One auction item was to see the new Avengers movie, so on Friday night we joined several of the kids on […]
Friday – May 8, 2016: New Horizons
Cambodia is beautiful, and different from what I expected. Liger Learning Center is about thirty minutes away from the airport by car along roads filled with motos where the lanes are merely suggestions. The campus is a rectangle about 5 minutes by 10 minutes walking, with one main school building, a science building, four small […]