Is your computer ready? Make sure your computer is ready by testing your internet connection, software, camera and microphone using the Zoom test tool at Check out the Zoom Cheatsheet. Attending classes online using Zoom Zoom is a video conferencing and recording tool that can be used on its own or within Canvas. Washington […]
Category: Archive
Hiring STCs for FA20/SP21
We are still accepting applications for the following STC positions: HIG STC (Housing in Hitzeman, Suite w/2Doubles 2Singles) Rosedale STC (Housing in 6057 Rosedale, 2Singles apt.) Lofts STC (Housing in 6300, 3Singles apt.) APPLY NOW!
Tableau 101: 11/22, 1pm-4pm in the GTC

Have you always wanted to get a bit of help to get started with interactive data visualization using Tableau? STS is facilitating a Tableau 101 session to take place in the Gregg Technology Center (GTC) on November 22, 2019, from 1PM-4PM. The session will be led by Wash U’s Manan Shroff, Statistical Data Analyst with […]
Students – Tell us about your tech – win a Bluetooth Speaker!

Take our tech survey and you’ll be entered to win a Bose SoundLink Revolve speaker. It takes just a couple of minutes to tell us what gadgets you’ll use on campus, how you watch or stream TV, what you think of the wireless coverage. Take the survey now! Must be a current Washington University Student […]
MATLAB – FREE for students

Washington University in St. Louis has a Campus-Wide License for MATLAB, Simulink, and add-on products. Students may use these products for teaching, research, and learning at no charge. The license allows all students to install the products on personally owned computers (Please see installation instructions pdf). About MatLab and Simulink MatLab, the language of technical […]
STS Digital Signage Request

Student Technology Services features digital displays in our South 40 residential computer labs and our service desk. Digital signage requests can be submitted using the form below. The run time for submissions is typically limited to two weeks. Digital Signage Guidelines The following guide shows requirements for submissions. Submissions that do not meet these requirements […]
Bear’s Den Wi-Fi survey

Based on your feedback, Washington University IT recently upgraded the Wi-Fi in the Bear’s Den. Please take this survey and give us your feedback.
Electronic recycling at STS

Did you know that you can recycle your electronics through STS? Bring them by our service desk and we will dispose of them in a manner that is consistent with WashU’s commitment to sustainability. Be green and environmentally conscious with STS! Check out this very cool use of GIS technology to showcase sustainability initiatives […]
Jazz at Holmes lounge… in 360 video!

On March 22nd the Randy Holmes Bebop Quintet performed at Holmes lounge. They performed jazz from the 40’s-50’s from composers such as Dizzy Gillespie. Get hep and dig it! If you have an event or space which you’d like us to capture for you in 360 video or still photography just send us a message.
STC Tech Expo: March 28 in College Hall

Stop by College Hall on to check out this year’s STC Tech Expo, put on by your 2017-2018 team of STCs and learn something about 3D printing and computer hardware, play a VR game or some Super Smash and be entered to win an iPad mini and several other cool prizes. Light refreshments and drinks […]